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The History
of Chowan Beach
by George Farrell and Rawl Gelinas
Preface Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part Nine
Bandon consisted of sixty-three acres. Of
these only twenty were cleared and most of
that was waterfront acreage. The Fletchers
seem not to have used the land for farming
on any large scale. A neighbor was quoted
as saying, "The Fletchers raise a little
cotton, a little corn, a little tobacco,
and a lot of books", a lot of books
indeed. While living on Bandon, Inglis
Fletcher wrote nine of her thirteen
novels, including most of the Carolina
series. She also wrote her autobiography,
"Pay, Pack and Follow". She may have done
some of her writing in Parson Earl's
schoolhouse - it is remembered that she
spent quite a bit of time there - but most
of it was done in a second floor room with
a view of the Chowan River from three
sides of the room. In latter years, when
because of age and illness she was unable
to climb the stairs, she wrote in the
library, missing the rivers ability to
soothe her when 'the words just wouldn't
come.' She wrote on a regular schedule,
Monday through Friday from nine until
four. At four o'clock work was over and
she and Jack were ready to entertain their
family and friends.
happily and productively at Bandon until,
in June of 1960, Jack Fletcher died. He
had been an active partner is her writing
career, keeping her life organized, typing
her manuscripts (she wrote only in
longhand, on yellow pads) and correcting
her notoriously bad spelling. Most of all
he had been her partner in life and she
found it difficult to go on without him.
She lived alone until after her first
stroke. Then Mrs. Percy Nixon, a neighbor,
employee and friend agreed to let her son,
Roy, stay at Bandon nights so the doctors
would let Mrs. Fletcher return home from
the hospital. This arrangement held until
illness so weakened her that she could no
longer be alone even during the day. At
this point the Nixon family came to Bandon
to stay with her in times when none of her
family could be there. She continued to
write and be published even then. Her
third stroke finally ended her writing
career; she was working on her sixteenth
was Sunday, October 6, 1963; just two
weeks before her birthday (either her 75th
or 84th, both guesses, as she never
revealed the year of her birth) and her
grandson, Jim, had come for the weekend.
After lunch they sat watching TV. Suddenly
there was a banging at the door. A man
riding by had seen smoke, Bandon was
afire! Inglis Fletcher, putting on a coat
and using her cane, made a dignified and
unhurried final exit from Bandon
Plantation. She insisted upon staying to
watch as it burned to the ground.
Neighbors were able to save all but two
pieces of furniture on the first floor but
the volunteer fire department was unable
make it through the gathered crowd in time
to arrest the blaze.
fire Mrs. Fletcher announced that she
would rebuild on the site. But by February
she had changed her mind. It would be so
difficult to rebuild, and so hard to live
there again. Parson Earl's schoolhouse was
moved downriver to the James Iredell
House. In 1964 what remained of historic
Bandon Plantation was sold to Southern
properties. It would be divided up into
half-acre plots and be called Scenic
Arrowhead Beach.
the entrance to what is now Arrowhead
Beach (at the corner of Rocky Hock Road
and Bandon Road) there is North Carolina
State Historic Marker Number A78 (as can
be seen in the picture below)
commemorating the life and literary works
of Inglis Fletcher and referencing nearby
Bandon Plantation.
Percy Nixon (Dorothy Davis Nixon) finally
died, on March 8, 2003, at the age of 84.
Roy Nixon lives on Bandon Road in the
first house on the right after turning off
Rocky Hock Road, in what is believed to be
the family home. It is not in Arrowhead
Beach, although the site of Bandon
Plantation is.
for this chapter was obtained from "lnglis
Fletcher of Bandon Plantation" by Richard
Walser; The UNC Library, 1952; "Mrs.
Fletcher's Eden" by Roy Thompson; the
Chowan Herald, 1975 and "Bandon a Brief
History of a Chowan County Plantation by
Jerry L. Cross. 1986.

NC Historic Marker # A78
"Inglis Fletcher & Bandon Plantation"
Picture Copyright
© 2010
Rawl Gelinas
On To Part Ten
Copyright © 2013 The Chowan
Beach Recreation Association, Inc.
Portions Copyright © 2010 George Farrell
and Rawl Gelinas